Which one is better?
Breathing, cardiac activity, electrodermal activity
Practical sensors for (new) popular interactions
Features: spectral, temporal, spatial
Discrepancy between left and right images: illusion of depth
Fixed focal plan but eyeballs rotate: discomfort
Is it possible to measure visual comfort continuously?
Tune parameters on the fly using a passive Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)
Ground truth with NASA-TLX [1] questionnaire (N=15)
N-back task [1,2]
EEG features
Classification average: 87% (N=12)
[1] Mühl, C., Jeunet, C., & Lotte, F. (2014). EEG-based workload estimation across affective contexts. Frontiers in NeuroscienceRound 2(P.M.) on December 9
How could we make EEG accessible to novices?
Physiological similarity-attraction effect
Better user experience with symmetrical feedback?
Stereo marathon: Aurélien Appriou
Mad maze: Maxime Daniel
Disco ball: Maxime Duluc
Learning by doing: Stéphanie Fleck
The Designer: Alexis Gay
Twin PhD: Renaud Gervais
Overt Adviser: Martin Hachet
Good solder: Thibault Laine
Papart CEO: Jérémy Laviole
Covert Adviser: Fabien Lotte
Proof reader: Christian Mühl
Stereo ignition: Léonard Pommereau
CubTile master: Dennis Wobrock
Frey, J., Daniel, M., Hachet, M., & Lotte, F. Tools for electroencephalography-based evaluation of user experience. CHI '16
Gervais, R., Frey, J., Gay, A., Lotte, F., & Hachet, M. (2016). Tobe: Tangible Out-of-Body Experience. TEI ’16.
Frey, J., Appriou, A., Lotte, F., & Hachet, M. (2015). Classifying EEG Signals during Stereoscopic Visualization to Estimate Visual Comfort. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience.
Wobrock, D., Frey, J. et al. (2015). Continuous Mental Effort Evaluation during 3D Object Manipulation Tasks based on Brain and Physiological Signals. INTERACT ’15
Frey, J., Appriou, A., Lotte, F., & Hachet, M. (2015). Estimating Visual Comfort in Stereoscopic Displays Using EEG: A Proof-of-Concept. INTERACT ’15
Frey, J. (2015). Heart Rate Monitoring as an Easy Way to Increase Engagement in Human-Agent Interaction. PhyCS '15
Frey, J., Gervais, R., Fleck, S., Lotte, F., & Hachet, M. (2014). Teegi: Tangible EEG Interface. UIST '14
Frey, J., Pommereau, L., Lotte, F., & Hachet, M. (2014). Assessing the zone of comfort in stereoscopic displays using EEG. CHI EA ’14
Frey, J., Mühl, C., Lotte, F., & Hachet, M. (2014). Review of the use of electroencephalography as an evaluation method for human-computer interaction. PhyCS '14